Saturday, January 16, 2010

Racine "Bonfire Tea Party"

Racine, WI – Fired up about high taxes? Come join the first ever “Bonfire Tea Party” in Racine. Not only will the bonfire be a great way to keep warm in chilly nights, but concerned taxpayers from all over Wisconsin and Illinois will be able to make sure their voices are heard by politicians.

The event will feature Joe the Plumber, Vicki McKenna and Dr. Tracey Purath. State Representative Robin Vos and Tim Dake of the Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty will announce the Healthcare Freedom Amendment to the state Constitution. The organizer of the Racine “Bonfire Tea Party,” Lora Halberstadt, says after seeing what was happening in Washington DC and Madison, she had to act.

“The Racine Tea Party movement is concerned that the burden to our next generation is already at the breaking point and is completely unsustainable!” Halberstadt said, “We owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect their freedom and make their America a better place.”

The details:
WHAT: First ever “Bonfire Tea Party”

WHERE: 4505 Highway H, Franksville, WI

WHEN: Saturday, January 16, 2010, 3:00- 4:30 pm

More information is available at

List of confirmed speakers

Americans for Prosperity suggests: "Bring your AARP cards to burn."

For January in Wisconsin, the weather should be great!


  1. Who supplying the big wooden cross?

    The first element of trust is honor, and with that, closely attached, is courage. It takes courage to be honorable. That is what we expect of someone we can trust. As to elected people, trust involves taking an oath to uphold the Constitution and to defend our country and its people, then to have the courage to honor the pledge throughout his or her tenure in office. So many go to Washington, D.C., as well as state and local governments, and take that oath to defend our laws and our way of life, and in the minutes after taking the oath, are making deals to improve their personal wealth and power. We have seen so much of this since the turn of the century, particularly with the occupants of the White House as to their pledges in their campaigns. We had trustworthy people in the beginning, such as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and a host of others. Now, we do not expect that anymore. We expect our government to function like the Sopranos.


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