Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eugene Kane: Bayshore and Black Kids


Eugene Kane frames the new policies put in place by Bayshore Town Center as racially motivated.

TMJ4 has video of the teen mob scene at Bayshore on December 26, taken by Bill Krzyzanek, a Port Washington man.

Yes, it was out of control and the mall lost business because of it. I know that for a fact.

But Kane doesn't see this as a matter of businesses wanting to keep customers in their stores and spending money. He sees it as a racial issue. It's discrimination, according to Kane.

Kane writes:

Once again, it seems there's a problem with black kids at the shopping mall.

This time it's the Bayshore Town Center instituting temporary new rules banning teenagers from the mall during certain hours unless accompanied by an adult or guardian. A few years ago, problems were reported with black kids at Mayfair Mall, which responded with a similar policy.

Although never targeted at any specific racial demographic, the restrictions at Mayfair sparked a debate about the perception of certain young people in our community. It's happening again.

The problems at Bayshore Town Shopping Center involved the behavior of mainly black kids who have recently discovered the mall as a popular hangout.

The tipping point reportedly came the day after Christmas when more than 100 young people congregated in the food court. Some store owners and shoppers became upset with their behavior and police were called.

I've seen the report on the incident by the Glendale Police Department. It says there was a "report of 100 juveniles fighting in food court," but officers found there was "no fight. Just hundreds of juveniles gathering using obscene and threatening language."

This all harks back to the days of the old Northridge Mall, which closed after experiencing similar complaints about unruly behavior and inadequate security. Young black people were blamed for that, too.

Who was responsible for the "unruly behavior"?

The blame for the problems lies with them, the unruly ones. This isn't about skin color. It's not about avoiding diversity.

It's as if Kane thinks people should be willing to put up with a shopping experience that includes "hundreds of juveniles gathering using obscene and threatening language."

That's ridiculous.

Just like with Mayfair, the Bayshore situation seems to have more to do with perceptions rather than any actual threat from the teens. It's also more about the language and demeanor of some African-Americans - males in particular - who appear threatening to people not familiar with that particular group.

It's about some people not being able to tell if a bunch of young black people are about to have a fight or just engaging in tomfoolery.

No. This is NOT about being unfamiliar with certain behaviors and therefore finding them troubling. It's about bad behavior, inappropriate social behavior.

This wasn't a little "tomfoolery."

That's not what I heard about the December 26 disturbance at Bayshore.

He wants to blame what he considers to be some false perception rather than face the reality of what happened at Bayshore.

Don't be fooled by Kane's account.

Kane concludes his column the way he has concluded so many others:

...It's all a byproduct of Milwaukee's racially segregated nature that prompts some people to feel uncomfortable whenever they are around people who are different.

That's an entirely separate problem that can't be solved by a ban.

Good grief.

This isn't some plot to get black kids out of shopping malls. It's about maintaining order and an environment conducive to attracting shoppers. Mobs of screaming teens taking over a space doesn't help draw customers to stores.

It's just goofy to say that kids running amok in a mall and customers and store owners complaining about that terribly inappropriate behavior has anything remotely to do with "Milwaukee's segregated nature."

Black kids aren't being targeted by Bayshore or its patrons because they're racists, as Kane implies.

If black kids were at the mall to shop and spend money, there's no way business owners would enact policies that might keep them away. No way.

An important point: Kids of ALL races can still go to Bayshore on Fridays and Saturdays.

They just have to follow the rules:


Please Remember - 3 pm Means 3 pm

Youth 17 and under may not remain in public spaces of Bayshore Town Center after 3:00 pm Friday and Saturday, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian 21 or older.

Why would Kane say that Bayshore's policy is aimed at black kids?

Race isn't mentioned at all. Everyone under 18 is impacted equally. Bayshore's restrictions apply to ALL kids.

Watch this video again.

Come on.

Bayshore isn't being unreasonable here.

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