Thursday, January 7, 2010

James Jones: Airline Bomber Report Shock

Obama's National Security Adviser, General James Jones, seems to be trying to soften the blow Americans will experience when they read the report on the Christmas Day Flight 253 bombing attempt by TERRORIST Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

He tells USA Today that citizens will experience a "certain shock" when they learn about the failures that nearly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people aboard the plane.

So how is Obama reacting to this attack on the United States?

He's seeing to it that TERRORIST Abdulmutallab is given a lawyer and granted the protection of the U.S. Constitution.

Do you know what would really be shocking?

It would be shocking for Obama to declare Abdulmutallab to be what he is -- a soldier engaged in battle against the United States. It would be shocking for Obama to call Abdulmutallab's attempt to blow up that plane an act of war.

This should be a wake-up call. Obama's approach to handling the terrorist threat is naive and will get people killed.

1 comment:

  1. News reports this morning state that those in power knew the terrorist was on the plane and planned to question him after he got off of the plane.

    This makes total sense. When terrorism is treated as a criminal offense, nothing can be done about it until AFTER the terrorist does something.


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