Friday, January 29, 2010

Mark Levin and Russ Feingold

Mark Levin slammed Russ Feingold on his radio program yesterday when he discussed Obama's absurd remarks about the Supreme Court's decision on McCain-Feingold during his State of the Union address.

MARK LEVIN: To say that the Supreme Court changed 100 years of precedent is a bald-faced lie. They changed McCain-Feingold because it was unconstitutional, which is not 100 years old.

It is very, very important that you understand why Samuel Alito, sitting there, and knowing all of this when he heard Obama say what he said, mouthed 'That is not true,' or 'That's not true,' because it wasn't true.

And yet we have one of the anti-free speech morons, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, according to Politico, sharply criticizing Sam Alito's reaction to Obama's State of the Union, calling the justice's behavior 'inappropriate.'
"That's not very judicial of him," Feingold told POLITICO. "Apparently, he thinks he gets to make the law. He should maintain his judicial demeanor, and that was inappropriate."

No, Feingold, what's inappropriate is you trying to destroy the First Amendment, and your hero, Obama, lying about what the Supreme Court did.

Flash back to March 2007, the San Francisco Chronicle:
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday accused President Bush of failing to respect the Constitution amid the uproar over the firing of eight federal prosecutors.

..."I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution," Obama told an audience at a campaign fundraiser.

Obama respects the Constitution?

I don't think so.

Feingold certainly doesn't.

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