Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama: 'Overwhelmingly' Majority of Health Care Process on C-SPAN

Obama is officially nuts.

When taking questions from Republicans today, Obama was asked about health care coverage on C-SPAN.

OBAMA: Look, the truth of the matter is that if you look at the health care process, just over the course of the year, overwhelmingly the majority of it actually was on C-SPAN because it was taking place in Congressional hearings in which you guys were participating. I mean, that, the, how many committees were there that helped to shape this bill? Countless hearings took place. Now, I kicked it off, by the way, with a meeting with many of you, including your key leadership.

What is true, there's no doubt about it, is that once it got through the committee process and there were now a series of meetings taking place all over the Capitol trying to figure out how to get the thing together, that was a messy process. And I take responsibility for not having structured it in an a way that it was not all taking place in one place that could be filmed. Um, how to do that logistically would not have been as easy as, as it sounds, because you're shuttling back and forth between the House, the Senate, different offices, etc., different legislators. Uh, but I think it's a legitimate criticism. So, on that one, I take responsibility.

What a load of CYA crap!

Logistics, shmogistics!

FACT: C-SPAN was shut out of major meetings, closed door meetings.

Obama sounds like a kid, fumbling around making up more lies to avoid being caught in his first lie.


Video, from Breitbart.

1 comment:


    I bet the GOP is regretting their jumping at his offer to have this televised! He was very impressive.

    It's a tough spot for them: They are trying to paint him to their constituents as someone who wants to destroy the country. So when it comes time to work together, they can't. But they know they should. And the majority want them to.

    I think they are starting to realize that maybe it's not such a good thing for them, or the country to feed on the Tea Partiers rage. They aren't enough to elect a president and they aren't good for America.

    What's Srah to do now? She's one of the last standing at the upcoming conference. Others have fled. If she stays she'll be further on the outs with the GOP and she'll have the embarassment of speaking to a sparse crowd at a blacklisted event. If she bails, she'll be giving up $100,000 and furthering her reputation as a quitter.

    Talk about a tough spot.


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