Friday, January 29, 2010

Rasmussen: Walker - Double Digit Lead over Barrett

This is good news for Scott Walker, and Wisconsin.

From Rasmussen:

The first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 telephone survey of the Wisconsin governor's race finds the two most prominent Republican contenders both ahead of their likeliest Democratic opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker leads Barrett 48% to 38% among likely voters in the state. Given that match-up, just two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, while 12% are undecided.

Former GOP Congressman Mark Neumann finds himself with a much narrower lead over Barrett, 42% to 38%. Seven percent (7%) like some other candidate, and 13% are undecided.

...While male voters in Wisconsin heavily favor the Republican candidates, women give the edge to Barrett in both match-ups.

Both Republicans lead by wide margins among voters not affiliated with either party.

Barrett is viewed very favorably by 19% of Wisconsin voters and very unfavorably by 17%.

Ten percent (10%) have a very favorable opinion of Neumann, while 11% regard him very unfavorably.

For Walker, very favorables total 29% and very unfavorables 15%.

I hope these encouraging numbers for Scott Walker help to convince a Republican candidate to take on Russ Feingold.

Mark Neumann's energy would be better spent challenging Feingold than Walker.

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