Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meghan McCain, 'The View'

Meghan McCain, like all Americans, is entitled to express her opinion.

Recently, she's been expressing herself on The View.

Her opinions have changed DRAMATICALLY since 2008.


From FOX News:

Meghan McCain had some choice words for Sarah Palin, former Rep. Tom Tancredo and the conservative Tea Party movement as a whole during her appearance Monday on ABC's "The View."

McCain, the daughter of Sen. John McCain known for occasionally parting ways with the views of her Republican dad, was particularly scathing in her assessment of Tancredo's speech on the opening day of the National Tea Party Convention on Thursday in Nashville. In the speech, Tancredo said people "who could not spell the word vote or say it in English" elected a "committed socialist ideologue" because the country does not require a "civics literacy test."

"It's innate racism, and I think it's why young people are turned off by this movement," McCain said. "And I'm sorry -- revolutions start with young people, not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can't say the word vote in English."

I'm not carrying any water for Tancredo.

I don't want a civics literacy test to be required to vote.

However, I am troubled by the lack of assimilation in our country. I am troubled by ILLEGAL immigration and our poorly patrolled, porous borders. There's nothing remotely racist about that.

As far as her claim that revolutions start with young people, it appears that Meghan doesn't know history.

Another thing--

It's kind of funny that she's dissing "65-year-old people."

Her daddy is way older than that.

Though speakers at the convention repeatedly rejected the "racist" label during the three-day event and held sessions on ways to attract young activists to their cause, McCain pointed to Tancredo's speech as a sign of what's wrong with the Tea Party movement.

"This rhetoric will continue to turn off young voters, and anybody that says different is smoking something -- period," she said.

Clearly, Meghan doesn't know what she's talking about.

She sounds like a fool.

McCain also criticized her father's former running mate for comments she made during an interview with "Fox News Sunday."

In the interview, Palin suggested that President Obama could improve his re-election chances by declaring war on Iran.

"You should never go to war unless it's the absolute last circumstance," McCain said on "The View."

On "Fox News Sunday," Palin also called for White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to "step down," in part for using the word "retarded" in a strategy session last year which only recently became public -- but at the same time, Palin defended conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's use of the word as "satirical."

McCain said that assessment is "exactly what is wrong with politics today."

"We can't placate and say Democrats can say one thing and Republicans can say another thing," she said.

Meghan's current view of Sarah Palin is unrecognizable from her 2008 opinion.

When Meghan was a guest on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, September 17, 2008, she had only positive things to say about her father's running mate.

Leno asked Meghan what she thought of Sarah Palin.

"I love Sarah Palin. She's awesome."

The audience cheered.

Leno asked about the press coverage of Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter's pregnancy.

Leno said that personally he didn't think the coverage was too much. He said that it was "part of the story" and they just reported it, "not negatively, not positively."

He asked, "Did you think it was too much?"

Meghan replied, "I'm just protective by nature. You know, I'm a daughter as well. And I can't imagine being pregnant at 17, and on the cover of People magazine with people judging you. So I'm going to come out and support... I mean, the media will do what the media does. But I think that she should be left alone to some degree."

So Meghan said, "I love Sarah Palin. She's awesome."

What a difference a lost election makes!

Has Meghan changed since 2008 or was she lying on national TV?

Is she lying on national TV now?

Will the real Meghan please stand up?

I remember during the 2008 campaign when Meghan's mom and dad appeared on The View. They were not happy about how things went.

Read more about their September 12, 2008, appearance here.

When Leno asked Meghan about her parents' experience on The View as well as her own visit, she did not have positive things to say.

She said it was "weird."

Meghan was very nervous before the show. She said that Barbara Walters was telling her that she would be fine. Walters suggested that she should just hug everyone when she came out. Then when Meghan made her entrance, Walters didn't want to hug her.

She cautioned anyone going on The View: "She doesn't want to hug you."

Leno mentioned John and Cindy McCain's appearance on The View. Meghan said that she didn't see it.

"I know my mom is not pleased with it."

Leno asked what Cindy was mad about. Meghan answered, "I just think there's a lot of estrogen on that show."

I guess all that negativity is forgotten.

Now, Meghan is embraced by the women on The View and she gets cozy with them. Why? She's bashing Sarah Palin and Republicans and the Tea Party movement.

Of course, Meghan is now their darling.

What's with Meghan? Have her views evolved, or is she a liar?

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