Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Feingold: 'Inside Tommy's Room'

I get the feeling Russ Feingold really isn't in the mood to campaign for reelection or work to win the votes of Wisconsinites.

I'm picking up this sense that Feingold and state Democrats believe that Russ owns the U.S. Senate seat, that any challenger is trespassing on his property.

So he and his team have guns blazing before he has an opponent.

On Feingold's campaign blog, John Kraus takes aim at Tommy Thompson, "Inside Tommy's Room."

Kraus writes:

This weekend brought with it some important developments in the campaign that we wanted to make you aware of.

Republican “Uber-Lobbyist” Bill McCoshen went on Mike Gousha’s “UpFront” TV program this weekend and said Tommy Thompson has “the right people in the room,” and that “he's the only one that frankly could win on the Republican side.”

...As many of you know Russ had events in Madison and Milwaukee yesterday and we wanted to let you know what Russ had to say:
“So you might ask, well why are all these people in Washington asking Tommy Thompson to run? Because he's their friend. Because he does what they want. That's why they're asking him to run.

“I've spent years and years taking on the special interests. And Tommy Thompson spent years, taking them on as clients. That's the difference between the two of us. That's the difference for Wisconsin as we go forward for this election.”

...Russ has shown courage standing up to the lobbyist crowd in D.C. He has been tough on wasteful spending, never walking away from a deficit. And he has been an independent voice for the people of Wisconsin, not the special interests in Washington.

So while Tommy Thompson sits in a room with his lobbyist friends in Washington making plans to announce his campaign at the Republican convention in the coming months, we’ll be in Wisconsin hard at work organizing our Spring Fling – our door-to-door, grassroots statewide canvass in communities in every corner of our great state on March 20.

Good grief.

That's not going to work. Feingold isn't a Washington outsider. Feingold is firmly entrenched inside the beltway.

He has lost touch with his constituents. If he hasn't lost touch, then he certainly is just choosing to ignore them.

What has he done for Wisconsin? He's had 18 years in the Senate. What has he done to better the lives of people in Wisconsin?

Back in 2006, when Feingold was unsuccessfully running to be the Democrats' nominee for president, he seemed to spend as much if not more time in Iowa than Wisconsin.

Feingold put his personal ambitions first. He's not working for us. He's not listening to us. He's weirdly detached.

It's awfully hypocritical for Feingold to be whining about Thompson and his Washington lobbyist friends when Feingold had no qualms about voting for a health care bill loaded with bribes made by Obama and the Democrat leadership to secure votes for the legislation.

Feingold consented to that corruption. He supported it. He voted for it. That's reality. It happened. Concrete. On the record.

Describing that scene of Thompson sitting "in a room with his lobbyist friends in Washington" is just goofy.

Let's deal in reality, what we know. Let's look at Feingold's record in the Senate. Let's look at his policies. Let's examine Feingold's extremism. He's willing to ram through legislation that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose.

Inside Russ' room is scary.

He's forgetting that he works for us.

To borrow from Scott Brown:

Well, with all due respect, it's not Feingold's seat, and it's not the Democrats' seat. It's the people's seat.

End the Feingold occupation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But Feingold does come home to Wisconsin every weekend, even though since he is twice divorced there is no wife to go home to and his daughters live in Washington, DC.