Saturday, March 19, 2011

Maryann Sumi, Mark Levin, and 'Legal Anarchy'

On his radio program on Friday, Mark Levin delivered a terrific monologue about the Democrats in Wisconsin and Judge Maryann Sumi.

Listen to the podcast.

He begins his show talking about the "legal anarchy in Wisconsin" and Sumi's decision. Levin succinctly reviews what has happened the past few weeks and explains the current situation.


MARK LEVIN: We have legal anarchy in the state of Wisconsin, legal anarchy because one, one despot in a black robe decided she wanted to go national and draw attention to herself as she drags the state of Wisconsin into anarchy.

Now let's take a step back and see what's taken place here because it can happen in your own state.

Yes, there was an election in November. You know, people are told for good government purposes, get out there and vote. Well, they did. They threw out the Democrats and they put in the Republicans. Republicans didn't hide their agenda. The Governor of Wisconsin, now, Scott Walker, among other things said, 'Look, we've got to pull back on these government unions and collective bargaining.'

And that message more than any other resonated with the people of Wisconsin, and they turned out and they voted. They elected him governor. He follows an extremely irresponsible Left-wing ideologue governor named Doyle, who was abusing the taxpayers at every turn, as were the Democrats in the State Legislature.

So, the people decided through a legitimate, state constitutional means to address this. So they did something they've rarely done in Wisconsin. They turned the whole state over to the Republicans.

Well, the unions weren't going to allow that, particularly the government unions. The Democrats weren't going to allow that, and the big media, well, they weren't going to allow it either.

So the Senate Democrats, now in the minority, they don't like the outcome of the election and neither do their bought and paid for union bosses. But they don't have the votes to stop the agenda that the people in Wisconsin just voted for. So what do they do? They use the rules of the Senate against the people - not against the Republicans, not against the Governor - against the people of Wisconsin. And they leave the state. They leave the state. They leave their responsibilities because they do not want to honor the electorate. They don't like the results and they figure they're going to do whatever they can to undermine them.

So what that means, you folks in Wisconsin who voted, is that a small cabal of Leftist hoodlums disenfranchised you, or attempted to.

Did Republican State Senators leave Wisconsin when the Democrats controlled it?


Then, all over the country, public and private sector union bosses sent out e-mails, and faxes and phone calls. Everybody head to Madison. Make as much noise as you can. Bring your signs. Take vacation leave. Pretend you're sick. Take sick leave. If you're retired, come on over. We need your help. All the rabble-rousers showed up, and while you're at it, let's empty the colleges, too - Madison obviously known as a very Left-wing town. Bring the high school students. Bring your kids.

And so they poured into Madison. They poured into the Capitol building. And they were screaming and chanting, threatening people, bullying people, pushing around reporters, trying to block their cameras.

But they still lost. They still lost.

The vote was had, but they don't like the vote that occurred in the State Legislature. They don't like the vote that occurred in the State Senate. They don't like the fact that the Governor signed the bill that he said he would sign. So a Democrat operative, a former elected official in the Wisconsin Legislature, he forum shopped. He found one of their favorite liberal lowest court judges and sought a temporary restraining order.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I don't believe that guy thought he would get a ruling favorable. That was a 'Hail Mary' but he threw it right to her, and this lovely lady - just look at her picture - this lovely lady, she caught it. She was thrilled to get it.

Now first of all, what this tells you, whether they lose elections, whether they lose votes in state legislatures, it doesn't matter. By hook or by crook, you are not allowed to effectively or successfully challenge the Left. You're just not. Whether it's the environment, whether it's health care, whether it's collective bargaining, you, ladies and gentlemen, are not allowed to reverse course. I don't care how much you pay in taxes, how miserable the health care system's going to be, I don't care how many illegal aliens are crossing into your town, it doesn't matter.

You have no say. Now you can go through the motions according to the Left, you can go through the motions and vote. And if the outcome is one that they like, they'll let it stand. But if it's an outcome they don't like, they're not going to let it stand. They're going to disenfranchise you in every way they know how.

If they can't get what they want by leaving town, they'll go to a liberal activist judge. And if they couldn't get what they wanted from her, well they'll go to the Secretary of State who will slow down the process of actually implementing the law so that the Left-wing locals can cut their deals with the government unions real fast before the law takes effect. If that doesn't work, well, they'll use the bureaucracy to punish you. This is what I mean - it's a soft tyranny. Absolutely a soft tyranny.

Levin dissects Sumi's ruling and explains Wisconsin law, going through the four elements required for a temporary restraining order. He clearly details the holes in Sumi's ruling.

Levin goes on:

LEVIN: Now in addition to everything I've just said, we have death threats, death threats against legitimately elected public officials. Death threats - and barely a word is said, barely a concern is raised.

I'm glad Levin spent so much time on Friday discussing Sumi and the Wisconsin case, the thuggery of the Left.

A national audience needs to know what the Democrats, the unions, and Judge Sumi are doing - attempting to disenfranchise millions of Wisconsinites as they wage war against taxpayers and the middle class.


jimspice said...

Who would have ever guessed that G.Thompson was secretly seeding the courts with super-liberal appointees?

Mary said...

Tommy appointed Sumi. So what?

jimspice said...

Which of the following do you think is closest to the truth:

1. Thompson intentionally appointed a liberal activist judge (perhaps being a closeted liberal activist himself).
2. Thompson accidentally appointed a liberal activist judge (perhaps she was hiding her liberalness).
3. Thompson appointed a good, i.e. conservative, judge who later became a liberal activist.
4. Sumi is not, in fact, a liberal activist judge but simply fairly ruling on a legal transgression.

Dis I miss a possibility?

Mary said...

Tommy Thompson is not a factor in this discussion. He appointed her 13 years ago. At the time, he apparently believed she was qualified. None of that matters when it comes to Sumi's 2011 ruling.

This week, Sumi either displayed she had a massive lapse in judgment or she is a Leftist hack.

Anonymous said...

I'm simply pointing out that one of your own has seen enough evidence to question the legality of these moves. Yet so many just jump to the conclusion that she must be a lefty-activist rather than entertain the possibility that their side has acted less than straight-forwardly.