Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jeremy Renner and Jimmy Fallon: Hole in Pants

Jeremy Renner was a guest on Monday's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

It was a very revealing interview.

Jeremy Renner had a hole in his pants.

I don't know why the director didn't choose shots of just Renner's face or at least above the waist. It was very obvious.

What's funny is that Renner knew his pants were ripped but he didn't sit as if he did, trying to conceal the tears.

Eventually, they cut away to show a clip from Renner's movie, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

After the clip, both Renner and Fallon were laughing.

JIMMY FALLON: Speaking of scary, you have a hole in your pants. You've been exposing yourself the whole time you were on here. What happened?


JEREMY RENNER: When I get nervous, I do a deep lunge, and it alleviates all the nerves out of me.

FALLON: So you did a lunge before you came out here?

RENNER: I did a lunge right before I came out. But these are not lunge-approved pants, apparently, and I definitely popped a couple holes.

Advice: Be careful when you lunge.

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