Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lowe's and 'All-American Muslim'

I can understand why Lowe's doesn't want to invite controversy. As a business, Lowe's is attempting to make good decisions for sales, for its bottom line.

So, when Lowe's decided not to advertise on All-American Muslim, the politically correct crowd, including the Big Three networks, flipped out, calling it a bigoted move.


Lowe's defends its decision.

The reason that the Left is attacking is Lowe's is because it supposedly bowed to the Florida Family Association, a conservative group.

The Left has declared war on the Florida Family Association as well. Apparently, its website has come under attack.

No further proof is needed of the potential for vicious action then exactly what these folks are trying to do to this web site!

The attack has been extremely mean spirited. In a country that supposedly embraces free speech, those that oppose our postion have no qualms about destroying our free speech. Yet, these same folks claim the Internet should not be restricted in any way. How the two conflicting postions can be reconciled in their minds is beyond comprehension.

Because of our real concern for the terrorism that is a way of life for some folks, we ourselves have become victims. Because we urge others to be vigilant, we become the targets. Don't let it happen folks, take a stand before it is too late. Please support Florida Family Association

Bottom line: Lowe's has the right to steer clear of advertising on shows it considers controversial. It has the right to choose to buy advertising time on any program it wants.

The Florida Family Association has the right to express its views, even if they are seen as extreme.

I highly doubt that Lowe's decision was based on pressure from the Florida Family Association. It claims to have 35,000 members.

That's nothing. I don't believe that this small group was the deciding factor in Lowe's choice to spend its advertising dollars elsewhere.

Right now, the power of the Left, elected Democrats and their media mouthpieces, is being harnessed to intimidate Lowe's regarding its business decisions.

I don't think it's right to accuse Lowe's of religious bigotry simply because it wants to avoid controversy.

I see Lowe's and its employees as victims here.

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