Friday, January 20, 2017

Barron Trump Attacked By Katie Rich, SNL Writer

This is a writer's equivalent to setting cars on fire or throwing bricks through windows:

Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich tweeted: "Barron will be this country's first homeschool shooter."

Children are supposed to be off limits. Barron is 10 years old!

Katie Rich must not have any kids.

No mother, no GOOD mother, would ever make a comment like that.


UPDATE, January 23, 2017:

Rich is "suspended" from SNL and apologizes for her the Barron Trump tweet.

She doesn't have anything to worry about. Her job is secure and she remains in her Leftist bubble, embraced by her fellow Trump haters.

It's funny that the Leftists keep harping on Trump's out of control tweets, while a number of them are exposing the truth about their hateful selves on Twitter.

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