Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jimmy Fallon: Eric Swalwell Haiku, Trump Limericks Joke

JIMMY FALLON: Did you see yesterday, Congressman Eric Swalwell tweeted a haiku criticizing Trump for refusing to release his tax returns? It's a critical haiku, he sent him.

FALLON: Well, as you can imagine, Trump was not happy about that, and he even tweeted out some limericks that he wrote in response. Yeah, that Trump wrote to him in response, a limerick.

For example, one says:

My tax forms will not be released
Your constant complaints must be ceased
You think I don't care?
Then talk to my hair
You've awoken that foul nasty beast.
Not bad. It's actually pretty good. It's interesting. Here's another one:
I wish you would please just be nicer
Why can't you just give it a try, sir?
Enough is enough,
Being president's rough
especially when you're got Sean Spicer.

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