Monday, October 30, 2017

Bill Penzey - Republicans, FOX News, and Russia

Bill Penzey refuses to give it a rest.

From his Sunday email:

I'm proud of America's response since the election, but it's clear we were caught off guard by the impact of Republican leadership, Fox News and Russia all working to undermine our nation's values. Did they collude? Does it matter? Isn't it enough to know that Fox, the Republican leadership, and the leaders of Russia all wanted the very same thing for America? I understand how, for many, this is a moment of great despair, but it's important to see the unparalleled opportunity in this moment as well.

Those who pushed this leadership upon us have stretched the rubber band of American equality so far back in time to where it's now in a place where it simply can't hold. When it lets go, if history is any guide, we will be seeing opportunities for equality unlike America has seen for generations. We need to recognize that the forces we are facing today are the very same forces that set in motion the Civil War in the 1860s, were responsible in the 1960s for the death of Dr. King, and in the teens and twenties of last century were responsible for America's racist statues and racist immigration laws.

And just as we are now finally taking down those statues, maybe in this rapidly approaching time of opportunity it's time to look at taking down the racist immigration laws, too. Imagine where we would be as a nation if our rightful growth had continued. If only we had opened our doors and our hearts to those facing the Holocaust in Europe, and genocide in Asia and Africa, think of the millions of lives we could have saved, and of the great Americans their children and grandchildren would have become. And maybe the time has come to really apologize for years earlier banning those in China from participating in the American dream.

If we hadn't let racism get the best of us, imagine where the world would now be. Would it be so bad if, west of the Mississippi, great American cities were just 250 miles apart instead of 500, or if the company you worked for had 30% more customers and was able to easily hire the skilled workers it needs? As cooks we set the table for those who are hungry. The time has come to do the same thing as a country. Let's be America again.

Thanks for reading,

It's hard to believe this guy is trying to sell spices.

Penzey really goes off the rails with this screed, summoning up the Civil War, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., "America's racist statues," and the Holocaust.

He says, "[I]t's clear we were caught off guard by the impact of Republican leadership, Fox News and Russia all working to undermine our nation's values.

Good grief.

Clearly, Penzey doesn't want your business if you watch FOX News or support Republicans.

Don't give it to him.

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