Tuesday, November 7, 2017

CNN: Trump Fake News


CNN claimed that President Trump, buffoon, insulted Japanese auto-makers.

From the Daily Caller:
“Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does,” CNN Money reporter Daniel Shane wrote in an apparent attempt to make Trump look dumb.

“President Trump delivered a rebuke to Japan Inc on Monday. ‘Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That’s not rude. Is that rude? I don’t think so,’ Trump told executives from local automakers during a trip to Japan,” Shane wrote.

“Japanese automakers have tried: The country’s big three car companies already have huge factories in the U.S., and their production in the country is at a record high.”

Trump, however, acknowledged this clearly in his remarks and appeared to be cracking a joke when he asked Japanese manufacturers to build in the U.S.

Here are his remarks in full.
I also want to recognize the business leaders in the room whose confidence in the United States — they’ve been creating jobs — you have such confidence in the United States, and you’ve been creating jobs for our country for a long, long time. Several Japanese automobile industry firms have been really doing a job. And we love it when you build cars — if you’re a Japanese firm, we love it — try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That’s not rude. Is that rude? I don’t think so. (Laughter.) If you could build them. But I must say, Toyota and Mazda — where are you? Are you here, anybody? Toyota? Mazda? I thought so. Oh, I thought that was you. That’s big stuff. Congratulations. Come on, let me shake your hand. (Applause.) They’re going to invest $1.6 billion in building a new manufacturing plant, which will create as many as 4,000 new jobs in the United States. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. (Applause.)
CNN is Fake News.

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