Sunday, November 5, 2017

George H.W. Bush: Trump a 'Blowhard'

Yeah, but the "blowhard" got elected. He's the leader Americans chose.

It's time for the Never Trumpers to realize that trashing Trump equates to trashing his voters. Not a winning strategy.

A year after the election, the collective hissy fit shows no signs of ebbing, none whatsoever.

I find it so annoying yet also quite amusing. I'm conflicted.

But this is reality:

President Trump.

President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Hillary Clinton lost. A rigged primary couldn't deliver the presidency.

Establishment Republicans lost. The people didn't buy their pontificating and bloviating. They thought they could convince and control. They failed.

Americans chose Trump, an incredible expression of where the real power lies - with the voters.

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