Friday, November 10, 2017

George Takei - Sexual Assault Accusation

Another sexual assault charge against an actor:

From FOX News:
George Takei, best known for his role in “Star Trek,” was accused Friday of sexual assault by a former actor and model, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Scott R. Brunton said the incident occurred in 1981 when he was beginning his career in Hollywood. He said he met Takei, who was 43 or 44 years old then, at a bar and the pair reportedly exchanged numbers and talked on occasion.

Following a night out, the duo reportedly went back to Takei’s apartment for drinks. During the second round, Brunton said he began “feeling very disoriented and dizzy” and thought he “was going to pass out,” he told The Hollywood Reporter.

Brunton claimed he “passed out” in a beanbag chair in Takei’s apartment and when he regained consciousness, he allegedly found himself in a compromising position.

"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear," Brunton told The Hollywood Reporter. "I came to and said, 'What are you doing?!' I said, 'I don't want to do this.'”

Brunton claimed he left the apartment despite Takei telling him “to relax” and “get comfortable.”

“I managed to get my pants up and compose myself and I was just shocked,” Brunton said. “I walked out and went to my car until I felt well enough to drive home, and that was that."

Thinking no one would believe him, Brunton said he never went to the press with his story because “it’s my word against his,” he told the outlet.

Well, this is disturbing.

These stories are going to continue to trickle out. Another day, another celebrity accused.

I have no reason to doubt Brunton's account, but I have no reason to believe it either.

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