Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halah Touryalai and Allahu Akbar

Forbes deputy editor Halah Touryalai thought it would be a good idea to exploit the terror attack in New York to deem EPA administrator Scott Pruit "scarier than Allahu Akbar."

From Conservative Review:
The tweet links to an article from Mother Jones that attacks Pruitt for quoting the Bible as he explained his decision to bar scientists who receive federal grants from serving on independent science advisory committees.

“In the book of Joshua there is a story about Joshua leading the people of Israel into the promised land after Moses passed away,” Pruitt said Tuesday. “And Joshua says to the people of Israel choose this day whom you’re going to serve. And I would say to you this is sort of like the ‘Joshua Principle’ that as it relates to grants to this agency, you are going to have to choose either service on the committee to provide counsel to us in an independent fashion or you can choose grants, but you cannot do both.”

So, according to this Forbes’ deputy editor, Scott Pruitt’s decision is scarier than a murderous jihad attack, which today, claimed the lives of eight people in New York.

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