Friday, November 10, 2017

Louis C.K. - War on Women

Yesterday, the New York Times broke the story that many in the entertainment industry already knew.

From the New York Times:

Now, after years of unsubstantiated rumors about Louis C.K. masturbating in front of associates, women are coming forward to describe what they experienced. Even amid the current burst of sexual misconduct accusations against powerful men, the stories about Louis C.K. stand out because he has so few equals in comedy. In the years since the incidents the women describe, he has sold out Madison Square Garden eight times, created an Emmy-winning TV series, and accumulated the clout of a tastemaker and auteur, with the help of a manager who represents some of the biggest names in comedy. And Louis C.K. built a reputation as the unlikely conscience of the comedy scene, by making audiences laugh about hypocrisy — especially male hypocrisy.

After being contacted for an interview this week about the on-the-record accusations of sexual misconduct — encounters that took place over a decade ago — Louis C.K.’s publicist, Lewis Kay, said the comedian would not respond. “Louis is not going to answer any questions,” Mr. Kay wrote in an email Tuesday night.

I used to like Louis C.K., but then I heard his comments about Sarah Palin and her son, Trig.

Since then, I've had a problem with him.

You can hear Louis C.K.'s remarks about Sarah Palin and her baby boy starting at 0:50.

LOUIS C.K.: But when she was standing on that stage at the f---ing convention holding a baby that just came out of her f---ing disgusting c---, her f---ing, retard-making c---, and she held it up - I hate her more than anybody - and she held it up and said, 'This is really hard raising this.' Really? It's a baby. Stick your t-- in its mouth. Her baby is under 1-year-old. It doesn't matter yet that it's retarded. It hasn't started to become an issue yet.


Read more of C.K.'s vile comments about Sarah Palin here.

More than a year ago, Roseanne Barr called out Louis C.K. for his sexual misconduct. She also called out Judd Apatow for staying silent about it.

It's troubling that so many in Hollywood ignore really bad behavior yet consider themselves to be such great people.

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