Thursday, November 2, 2017

Sayfullo Saipov and ISIS Flag

Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov is feeling good, so good that he wants an ISIS flag in his hospital room.

Saipov killed eight people. Clearly, he's proud of what he accomplished and pledges his allegiance to ISIS.

From FOX News:
Federal prosecutors said Wednesday that Sayfullo Saipov was "consumed by hate and a twisted ideology" when he ran down dozens of people on a New York City bike path, killing eight people and injuring 12 others.

Saipov, 29, was charged with providing material support to a terrorist group and committing violence and destruction of motor vehicles in Tuesday's attack, in which he drove a rented Home Depot truck down the path near the World Trade Center site.

Law enforcement officials described the initial charges as "holding charges," meaning that more are expected to be filed.

...Prosecutors said Saipov had 90 videos and 3,800 photos on one of his two cellphones, many of them ISIS-related pieces of propaganda, including images of prisoners being beheaded, shot or run over by a tank.

Saipov left behind knives and a note, in Arabic and English, that included Islamic religious references and said, "Islamic Supplication. It will endure," FBI agent Amber Tyree said in court papers. "It will endure" commonly refers to ISIS, Tyree said.

Questioned in his hospital bed, Saipov said he had been inspired by ISIS videos that he watched on his cellphone and began plotting an attack about a year ago, deciding to use a truck about two months ago, Tyree said.

During the last few weeks, Saipov searched the internet for information on Halloween in New York City and for truck rentals, the agent said. Saipov even rented a truck on Oct. 22 to practice making turns, and he initially hoped to get from the bike path across lower Manhattan to hit more pedestrians on the Brooklyn Bridge, Tyree said.

He even considered displaying ISIS flags on the truck during the attack but decided against it because he did not want to draw attention, authorities said.

This guy could not be clearer about his purpose.

To pretend he's other than an enemy of the United States is ridiculous.

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