Saturday, December 9, 2017

Jimmy Fallon: Melania Trump Deserted Island Joke

JIMMY FALLON: Melania Trump told a group of kids if she could spend the holidays anywhere in the world, she'd go to a deserted island. [Laughing] Oh, my gosh! Oh, man! When asked what three things she would bring, she said, 'Not my husband, not my husband, not my husband.'
I can't stand when Fallon mocks Melania like this. So mean-spirited.

The First Lady was visiting patients, their families, and staff at Children’s National hospital in Washington.

She didn't say she wanted to get away from her husband. She specifically said she wanted to be with her family.

From the Washington Post:
Q: My name is Andy … I am 10 … If you could spend the holidays anywhere in the world, where would you go?

FLOTUS: I would spend my holidays on a deserted island, a tropical island, with my family.

— White House pool report, 12/7/2017
Obviously, a deserted island would be the only place to get away from the constant barrage of criticism and bullying being thrown her way. It's where her family would be spared the assault.

The allegedly apolitical Fallon never mocked Michelle Obama the way he mocks Melania. Not nice at all.

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