Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Peter Strzok and Robert Mueller

The integrity of the FBI and Robert Mueller is revealed.

From FOX News:

The FBI agent who was removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia — because he sent anti-Trump messages to a colleague — oversaw the bureau’s interviews with ousted National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Fox News confirmed on Monday.

Peter Strzok, a former deputy to the assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, also was confirmed to have changed former FBI Director James Comey’s early draft language about Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her private email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

The language being edited was important because classified material that’s been mishandled for “gross negligence” calls for criminal consequences, analysts point out.

It's impossible to view Robert Mueller's investigation as other than a political witch hunt.

Watch Ingraham: Appearance of Partisanship in Mueller Probe 'Unacceptable, Disgusting and Unfair'

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