Saturday, December 9, 2017

Trump in Pensacola

The Leftists are truly insane. They don't get it. They're clueless.

Hey! It's the economy, stupid!

From the Washington Post:

What has become President Trump’s calculation — and great hope — amid the spiraling Russia investigation, his historically low poll numbers, troubles abroad, uneven legislative progress and the seemingly never-ending chaos emanating from his White House can be summed up in one sentence, he said here Friday night.

“With us it goes up, and with them it goes down, and that’s the end of the election,” the New York real estate developer-turned-president said of the stock market, predicting his reelection three years in advance.

Trump showed up in vintage form for 76 minutes Friday night, mocking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Apprentice” ratings, joking that Hillary Clinton must have listened to “the Russians” when she didn’t visit Michigan or Wisconsin in the 2016 election, and torching protesters from the “resistance” while twirling and holding his arm up, as if to carry a sign.

...And he returned to the usual selling points: Washington is stacked against him even though he is president, the media is terrible, the polls are fake, a southern border wall needs to be built, ISIS needs to be killed, immigrants need to be stopped. “We’re going to have borders on top of borders,” he said, without explaining how they could be stacked.

...Yet more than anything else, he talked about the economy — and tried to equate his 11 months in office with numbers that are arguably beyond his control, believing it is his surest way to keep and gain support.

...Still, Trump remains below 40 percent in many polls. And the economy can go down just as quickly as it went up. Many of his other woes could also damage him more than the economy, including the threat posed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the frustration from many Republican supporters at legislative inaction. Polls show many voters have grown tired of his shtick — and tweets.

For now, though, Trump is determined to associate himself with the success of the current moment. Aides say he continually reminds them of the economy — and wants to find ways to talk about it even at unrelated events. He says voters will overlook other things.

Clearly, the Leftists in this country still do not understand why Hillary Clinton lost the election.

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