Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Elizabeth Warren, Obama, and DNA

Elizabeth Warren insists that she is Native American, and the Leftist media support her narrative.

So, with a DNA test indicating a possibility that Warren might be 1/1024th Native American, we're supposed to consider Warren a person of color, like Harvard?

That's ridiculous.

It's embarrassing that the Democrats/Leftists eagerly latch on to Warren as a legitimate person of color even though the claim is based on a very distant relative 6-10 generations back, and Native American DNA wasn't used to determine that.

From The Daily Caller:

Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor, used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to attempt to calculate how much Native American ancestry is in Warren’s DNA.

“To make up for the dearth of Native American DNA, Bustamante used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American. That’s because scientists believe that the groups Americans refer to as Native American came to this land via the Bering Strait about 12,000 years ago and settled in what’s now America but also migrated further south,” the Boston Globe explained.

According to the American Indian and Alaska Native Genetics Resource Center, no DNA test can “prove” that someone is American Indian because there are no unique genes for American Indian ancestry.
When Warren declared herself to be Native American, she chose to be defined as a fraud.

Warren is less Native American than the average European American, but she was touted as a person of color by Harvard. She contributed to a Native American cookbook, Pow Wow Chow. She said her parents had to elope because of racial discrimination.

It sounds like Warren and her family are a bit loony, concocting a heritage and identity.

Warren is not Cherokee. Cheekbones be damned!

We don't need a DNA test to know Obama's racial makeup.

It's odd that Obama's European/white heritage is disregarded given that his mother and his grandparents were white.

Obama is way more than 1/1024th white.

Identity politics gets really messy.

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