Monday, July 29, 2019

Baltimore, Elijah Cummings, and President Trump

Thanks to his tweets, President Trump is shining the spotlight on Baltimore's poverty, crime, and rat problems, as well as similar squalor in other American cities with Democrat leadership.

I don't understand why voters in these places continually elect members of the party that has failed them so miserably for DECADES.

There was nothing racist about the president calling out Elijah Cummings after he treated Kevin McAleenan so abusively.

Nonetheless, predictably, the Democrats/Leftists/Socialists/Never Trumpers claimed Trump's remarks were racist.

Acknowledging the horrible reality of areas of Baltimore and Cummings' failures isn't racist.

Trump is attacking Cummings because of his record for his constituents, not because of his race.

That's clear.

The Democrats/Leftists/Socialists/Never Trumpers look utterly, intellectually impotent when they resort to such baseless accusations.

They should address the problems of Baltimore's citizens, not pummel Trump for citing the unacceptability of conditions in Baltimore.

This is interesting:

Who knows about this alleged corruption involving the wife of Cummings?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Now only if President Trump will talk about Milwaukee.