Friday, October 11, 2019

Biden and 'Well-Dressed' Men

A lot about Biden's story doesn't sound real.

From CNSNews:
At a CNN town hall on "LGBTQ Equality" Thursday night, Vice President Joe Biden recalled that in May 2012, just months before the November election that would give Barack Obama a second term, he told NBC's "Meet the Press" that he was "absolutely comfortable" with homosexual marriage.

...Biden then explained how he arrived at his position as a very young man in the early 1960s.

He credited his father:

"I remember getting out of a car when I was trying to be dropped off at the local city hall to get a job to be the only white employee in the east side of town in the neighborhood, in the projects, as a lifeguard," Biden said.

"And as I got out, there were two guys in the corner in Rodney Square, they call it, which is the sort of corporate capital of the world. It's where the chancery court and all that is. And these two guys, well dressed -- this is back in 1960 -- probably 1963, and I'm revealing that I'm almost as old as you," he joked with Anderson Cooper.

"But look, as my dad was dropping me off so I could go around the block and run and get the application. And two well-dressed men kissed one another as I was opening the door. And I hadn't seen that before. And I turned around and one walked off to the DuPont building, one walked off to what used to be called the Hercules Corporation.

"And I looked at my dad, and he looked at me and said, 'It's simple, honey. They love each other. It's just basic. There is nothing complicated about it.' That's how I was raised, for real.
Given Biden's penchant for making stuff up, I'm inclined to think he's making this up.

Biden explained Obama's reaction to his revelation on Meet the Press.

"I was already there. And so when I went on "Meet the Press" ... I answered the question honestly, and everybody thought that I had jumped the gun on the president. I didn't know the president was -- and his staff was-- thinking about -- in fact the president moving right after the election.

"And I got to tell you, he's a great guy -- I went in on Monday, and all the national press is saying Biden is really going to get nailed when he walks in and sees the president every morning. He got up, and he walked over to me and he said, 'Well, you told me.' He gave me a kiss. I swear to God.

When Biden says, "I swear to God," that's a red flag.

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