Monday, October 14, 2019

Cary Poarch - Whistleblower

Cary Poarch is a whistleblower.

He's obviously a brave, principled individual. He doesn't have the resources of "news" networks and the Democrat party to protect him. He doesn't have the Deep State to guarantee protection for him.

Poarch takes on CNN and Jeff Zucker, without demanding anonymity. He exposes corruption without hiding. No secrecy.

James O'Keefe and Project Veritas do incredible work.

From Project Veritas:

A brave CNN insider came to Project Veritas to expose anti-Trump bias at the cable giant. Cary Poarch, who works at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, tells Project Veritas “I decided to wear a hidden camera…to expose the bias running rampant” at the network. Poarch documented CNN’s bias for months; recording undercover footage of numerous long-term employees, some of which talk about Jeff Zucker’s anti-Trump agenda. In the video are Nick Neville, Christian Sierra, Hiram Gonzalez, David Chalian, and Mike Brevna. These employee’s positions range from media coordinator to high-ranking executives. I decided to secretly record the 9:00am rundown call meetings with senior management and executives, says Poarch. In the recordings, Zucker details his expectations for CNN’s coverage and very matter-of-factly states “impeachment is the story.”
Zucker makes clear that CNN has a mission. Everything is about destroying President Trump.

Of course, this is no surprise. However, now we have proof that CNN is not about news or truth. This we hear from Zucker's own mouth. Its agenda is to attack a duly elected president and thwart the will of the American people.

Zucker and CNN are in the business of attacking us.

Is CNN our enemy?

Without a doubt.

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