Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Andrew Cuomo to Blame For Shortage of ICU Beds and Ventilators in NY

From Mark Levin Show:

Governor Andrew Cuomo has known for quite some time about a shortage of I.C.U. beds and ventilators according to a 12-year-old article that highlights the need for such equipment in the event of a severe influenza pandemic. So why is Cuomo all of a sudden caught off guard and why is he pretending this is President Trump’s responsibility and not his? How much has Cuomo budgeted for ventilators versus what they’ve budgeted for abortions? Then, it’s not a simple task to retool an assembly line to produce new items like GM has volunteered to do. Cuomo must realize that this lack of preparedness is on him, not the federal government or Trump.
Read: Allocating Mechanical Ventilators During Mass Respiratory Failure: Kudos to New York State, but More Work to Be Done, March 2008.
Cuomo is looking for a scapegoat.

After 9/11, weren't all states supposed to be prepared for the possibility of a biological attack? How could New York be so woefully prepared for a viral outbreak?

As recently as 2015, Cuomo declined to purchase 16,000 ventilators, preferring to put together a rationing plan instead.

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