Sunday, April 19, 2020

Identifying the Enemy: IT'S NOT TRUMP

The Democrats/Leftists/Never Trumpers are exploiting the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic to attack President Trump. They frame issues in a manner that puts the president at fault. To them, Trump is the enemy.

Our country is in crisis because the Chinese Communist regime, with the help of its ally, the World Health Organization, covered up the true nature of the virus. They preferred to lie to the world and permit the virus to infect millions of people, killing tens of thousands. China preferred to inflict economic collapse on the world. The Trump-hating Democrats and their media hacks happily assisted in the Chinese propaganda effort. They are the willing partners of the Chinese Communist regime.

Absolutely disgusting.

The enemy is not President Trump. The Wuhan coronavirus is the enemy. The Chinese Communist regime and its allies are the enemy. Democrats and their media mouthpieces refuse to acknowledge that. They are invested in blaming President Trump. They gladly parrot China's disinformation campaign because they so desperately want Americans to view President Trump as responsible for the pandemic. He is not responsible for the illness, death, and economic disaster.

Trump is not the enemy.

We should be coming together to confront this monstrous crisis. It should be a nonpartisan effort.

Sadly, in the face of all the illness, death, and economic catastrophe, the Democrats choose to align with the Chinese Communist regime.

That's anti-American. They're unpatriotic.

It's truly horrific to witness.

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