Friday, April 17, 2020

Tony Evers Extends Shutdown of Wisconsin - May 26

Democrat Tony Evers decided to extend his "safer at home" order until May 26, the day after Memorial Day.

Remember when we were told the point of these draconian orders were to keep our health care system from collapsing?

Well, thank God, it didn't collapse. Not even close.

In the meantime, Evers appears OK with destroying millions of lives by destroying their livelihoods.

I don't believe Evers cares about the well-being of Wisconsinites.

We already flattened the curve. Our hospitals are not overwhelmed. Businesses can make adjustments to safely function, just as grocery stores have done.

Continuing to do what we've done since March 25 is extreme, resulting in irreparable damage to small businesses. The fallout from Evers' shutdown will be astronomical in terms of the economy. It's frightening to think of the negative consequences Wisconsinites will suffer because their health care has been suspended to make way for the surge of COVID-19 patients that didn't materialize. Our health and financial well-being are being dismissed by Evers. That's wrong.

Measures can and should be taken to protect the vulnerable without causing untold suffering to the majority of Wisconsinites.

The fact is Democrat Evers is a willing pawn in the Democrats' game to destroy President Trump and destroy our country as we know it.

If you want to know what it's like to live in a socialist country and have a government that takes away your liberty at will, now you know.

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