Friday, June 12, 2020

Biden Screws Up Again: Juneteenth, MLK

Although protected by his handlers and the Democrat media, Joe Biden is a train wreck. He is incoherent. He even gets lost with notes in front of him.

Clearly, Biden is unfit to serve as president of the United States.

The 25th Amendment pertains to a president becoming incapacitated while in office. The assumption is no political party would nominate someone already incapacitated, but that's what the Democrats are doing.

What is he talking about? Biden has no clue.


Americans need to see Joe Biden as he is, without the scripted interviews, the notes, and the teleprompter.

The Democrats and their media mouthpieces cannot continue to keep Biden hidden and cover up his obvious cognitive problems.

This is rising to the level of a full-blown scandal.

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