Sunday, July 19, 2020

Fauci InStyle

Anthony Fauci has jumped the shark.

This photo by the pool makes him look foolish. In terms of his brand, Fauci made a massive misstep posing, wearing the sunglasses.

I've had more than enough of this fawning garbage.

Norah O'Donnell should be asking Fauci about his horrible judgment in regard to China and the World Health Organization, his stunningly bad advice, and his unforgivable, inexcusable lies to the American people about masks. He chose to put millions of Americans at risk, if we're to believe that wearing face masks really is a life or death matter.

But what do we get? Fauci pretending to lounge by the pool.

The "good doctor" is doing a bizarre photo shoot during a health crisis? The pandemic can wait. Fauci's ready for his close-up.

Where's the outrage? Maybe if he had been holding a can of Goya beans people would be upset.

1 comment:

Sherman Broder said...

"Maybe if he had been holding a can of Goya beans people would be upset."