Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump Accepts Nomination

President Trump's speech had a lot great lines, as he detailed the many accomplishments of his administration and the agenda for the future.

While introducing her father, Ivanka Trump summed up President Trump and his presidency so well.

IVANKA TRUMP: For the first time in a long time, we have a president who has called out Washington's hypocrisy, and they hate him for it. Dad, people attack you for being unconventional, but I love you for being real and I respect you for being effective.

Our president refuses to surrender his beliefs to score points with the political elite. To my father, you are the elite. You are the only people he cares about scoring points with. If these problems were easy to solve, previous presidents would have done so. But you don't achieve different results by doing things the same way.

Washington has not changed Donald Trump. Donald Trump has changed Washington.

America doesn't need another empty vessel who will do whatever the media and the fringe of his party demands. Now more than ever, America needs four more years of a warrior in the White House.

The Republican National Convention was everything the Democrat Zoom convention was not - patriotic, uplifting, inspiring, moving, hopeful, and exhilarating.

The fireworks provided a spectacular end to spectacular event.

"Trump 2020" lighting up the sky? Even Trump's detractors have to admit that was impressive.

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