Friday, November 6, 2020

Republicans Must Rally To Preserve Election Integrity

The silence of the Republicans as we watch the election being stolen is utterly unacceptable.

This election isn't about President Trump. It's about us, the people. We are being disenfranchised. We are under attack by these ruthless, corrupt Democrats/Leftists/Socialists/Marxists.

We must determine that the results of our presidential election are legitimate. We must have faith in the process.

If this mess isn't carefully examined with full transparency, and the criminal Democrats and their media simply declare Joe Biden the winner of the election, his presidency would be as fraudulent as the Wisconsin vote count, and the Michigan vote count, and the Georgia vote count, and the North Carolina vote count, and the Arizona vote count, and the Nevada vote count, and the Pennsylvania vote count.

There will be no healing for the United States. If what has happened and is happening is permitted to stand, I fear the damage done to the country will be irreparable.

I don't know how the Democrats and their media partners could possibly think that half the country will accept their power grab.

We, the people, aren't going to back down even if many of the Washington swamp Republicans are readily abandoning the president in the face of this fraudulent process. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts turned his back on the Constitution and the American people in one of the most outrageous betrayals in our history.

This is not about Trump. It's about 70 million of us.

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