Monday, November 2, 2020

Vote For Life, Vote For Trump

Joe Biden will not protect the unborn. He offers only darkness, supporting abortion up until birth.

From Wisconsin Right to Life:

Wisconsin Right to Life is proud to support President Trump as he seeks re-election.

We understand that some may hesitate to cast their ballot for President Trump, but we also firmly believe that policy should always outweigh personality. And President Trump's policies have affirmed and defended the right to life unapologetically since his first day in office. At the very core of the pro-life movement is the idea that all life is valued and deserving of protection. Without a basic right to life, there can be no other rights. President Trump has boldly defended the right to life; we are confident he will continue to do so if re-elected.

We compiled a few of President Trump's pro-life accomplishments. Many of these will not be new to you, but some may have been overlooked by media. Whether you plan to vote for Trump, are undecided, or plan to vote against Trump, please take a moment and read through the below list. 

  • President Trump cut Planned Parenthood's tax funding by over $60 million. Read More
  • President Trump has made three Supreme Court nominations who respect the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to life. Read More
  • President Trump has made 230 judicial appointments, each fair jurists who respect the right to life. Read More
  • President Trump signed an executive order to protect babies who survive abortion attempts. Read More
  • President Trump blocked tax dollars from paying for abortion overseas. Read More
  • President Trump required insurance providers to disclose whether plans cover abortion. Read More
  • President Trump’s administration boldly proclaimed that “there is no international right to abortion” at the UN General Assembly in 2019. Read More
  • President Trump created a Human Fetal Tissue Research Ethics Advisory Board, which rejected research proposals involving abortion-derived fetal tissue. Learn More
  • President Trump has surrounded himself with pro-life leaders, selecting champions Mike Pence as Vice President, Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, and Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Read More
  • President Trump fights for Conscience Protections, creating a division within HHS to oversee enforcement. Read More
  • President Trump pledged “to vote any legislation that weakens current pro-life federal policies and laws...or encourages the destruction of innocent human life at any stage.” Read More
  • President Trump defunded UNFPA, which supports China's forced abortion and birth control policies. Read More
  • President Trump proclaimed that “every child, of every color-born and unborn-is made in the holy image of God.” Read More
  • President Trump issued an executive order to strengthen the child welfare system. Read More
  • President Trump is actively defensive against mail-order abortions. Read More
  • President Trump supports the pro-life movement, becoming the first sitting President to attend and address the annual March for Life. Read More
  • President Trump took action against California for violating the Weldon Amendment by discriminating against organizations that do not cover abortion in their health care plans. Read More
  • President Trump expanded free speech protections on college campuses, defending the right the right of issue advocacy groups like pro-life groups to educate their peers. Read More
  • President Trump featured Ellie Schneider, who was born at 21 weeks gestation, at his annual State of the Union address in 2020. Ellie is one of the youngest babies to survive in the United States and is now a healthy toddler. President Trump’s invitation was public testimony to science and health care practices backing the pro-life movement. Late-term abortions, or abortions performed after fetal viability, are never necessary, and fetal viability is increasing with medical advancements. Read More
  • President Trump announced his intention to increase federal funding for neonatal research. Medical advancements developed through neonatal research increase fetal viability, provide more opportunities for infants to survive, and tear down pro-abortion arguments. Read More
  • President Trump allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood of Medicare funds. Read More
  • President Trump supports the Hyde Amendment and has not called on Congress to pass legislation to make it permanent. Read More
  • President Trump invited pro-life advocates, like Abby Johnson, to speak at the Republican National Convention. Read More


This list, though long, is not all-inclusive. President Trump and his administration have stood without apology in defense of the right to life. He has promised continued support of life-affirming policies and legislation. His reelection is imperative to the pro-life movement. This election is truly a life-or-death situation.

We're not supporting President Trump because he says he is pro-life; we're supporting him because he is pro-life.

Vote for life.

Vote for Trump.

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