Friday, January 22, 2021

Biden Rewards World Health Organization's Lies and Failures

Oh, terrific! Our tax dollars will be funding the corrupt, incompetent World Health Organization, China's puppet.

The untrustworthy, dishonorable, lying Anthony Fauci is thrilled to have the Swamp in charge again. You can't trust Fauci. He's a political hack.

I don't think Biden knows what's going on, but the Democrats calling the shots for him do. 

The WHO's lies resulted in the deaths of untold Americans, the disruption of our economy, the staggering loss of small businesses and livelihoods, and the disruption of our children's education. 

True, Democrat leaders are responsible for enacting unreasonable, torturous lockdowns and the deaths resulting from their horrific deadly nursing home policies. But all that misery was wrought because of the WHO's lies and failures.

The Biden regime is not fighting for the American people. That is clear.

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