Monday, January 25, 2021

Fauci's Role in COVID-19 Origins

There appears to be an attempt by authorities to keep the world from knowing the truth about the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus. Anthony Fauci has lots of explaining to do, especially about his role in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

STEVE HILTON: The reason that we want to know the answers to these questions is not because we want to have a go at Dr. Fauci or blame anyone, it's because we need to know whether this research is still going on, whether we are still running these risks, and therefore, whether we are risking another pandemic after the catastrophe caused by this one. That's the question I want to ask Dr. Fauci. If you're watching, Dr. Fauci, please answer, whether you answer to me or someone else: Why did you continue funding this research after the Obama administration banned it, and are we still funding it? That's what we need to know.
Great reporting by Steve Hilton!

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