Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Installed as President of the United States


  Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.

For four years, Democrats, Leftists, Never Trumpers, and their media ran with the narrative that President Trump was illegitimate. They pushed the Russia Hoax even after the investigation found nothing, insisting that the president was Vladimir Putin's puppet. Their disinformation campaign was historic in its breadth. They pushed propaganda on the American people for four years. They all claimed President Trump was an illegitimate president. They all lied for four years.

Without question, there are more facts and more truth to back the claim of Biden's illegitimacy and his stolen election than anything related to President Trump's alleged illegitimacy.

Biden begins his illegitimate presidency today. Kamala Harris begins her illegitimate vice presidency today. The Democrats illegitimately take control of the Senate today.



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