Monday, January 25, 2021

Premier of Alberta and Biden's 'Gut Punch' to Canada

Jason Kenney, the Premier of Alberta, is insulted by Biden's gut punch to Canada's economy. He killed 2000 Canadian jobs on Day 1 of his presidency, with thousands more impacted. He calls for sanctions on America because of Biden's betrayal.

JASON KENNEY, PREMIER OF ALBERTA: Let's be clear about what happened today. The leader of our closest ally retroactively vetoed approval for a pipeline that already exists and which is co-owned by a Canadian government, directly attacking by far the largest part of the Canada-U.S. trade relationship, which is our energy industry and exports. ...If, however, the U.S. government refuses to open the door to a constructive and respectful dialogue about these issues, then it is clear that the government of Canada must impose meaningful trade and economic sanctions in response to defend our country's vital economic interests.
Biden is such a pathetic leader, such a divisive president.

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