Friday, January 22, 2021

Roe v. Wade - 48 Years Later

Feet of a fetus at 10 weeks

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Roe v. Wade, establishing that laws banning abortion violated the constitutional right to privacy. In effect, with one decision, the Court overturned all state laws outlawing or restricting abortion.

Click here for audio of the oral arguments.

It's chilling. Nine individuals were able to do away with the "settled law" in fifty states, deciding that it was illegal to protect the unborn because it infringed on one's right to privacy.

Since the Court's decision in 1973, more than 62 million lives have ended because their mothers "chose" to end them before birth.

For eight years, while Obama was president, he celebrated this day, cheering the landmark ruling.

For instance, in 2016, his last year as president, Obama marked the Roe v. Wade anniversary with a statement that included this bizarre sentence: "In America, every single one of us deserves the rights, freedoms, and opportunities to fulfill our dreams."

No, "every single one of us" apparently did not deserve the "rights, freedoms, and opportunities to fulfill our dreams."

Since Roe v. Wade, more than 62 million babies were killed before they could enjoy any "rights, freedoms, and opportunities." These innocent human beings had no chance to formulate, let alone fulfill, their dreams.

It was truly sick that the president of the United States had the audacity to celebrate the slaughter.

Throughout his presidency, Obama never wavered on his radical anti-life, pro-abortion stance. Of course, the approximately eight million babies that were killed by abortion during his time in office have the shortest of life stories. They never had the chance to take their first steps, say their first words, love and be loved. They never even had the chance to take a breath. Millions of American children were killed, and Obama and others sharing his radical pro-abortion stance celebrate that "choice."

Thankfully, for four years following the pro-abortion Obama era, we had President Trump in office, the most unabashedly pro-life president this country has known.

Tragically, we once again have an enemy of life as president, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is an extremist when it comes to abortion, believing a woman should be permitted to kill her child up until the moment of birth. He supports the "choice" of killing a baby capable of living outside the womb. This amounts to supporting infanticide. Absolutely horrific.

I don't expect Roe v. Wade to be overturned. But we can all agree to respect science, right? In the name of science, I would like women to be told the truth about the baby's development so they can make an informed "choice," so they can understand what they are actually doing when they decide to end their children's lives. There's nothing empowering about killing innocents.  That's nothing to celebrate.

Why is it that Democrats are always yapping about science but they refuse to allow science to be acknowledged when it comes to fetal development? Why this attempt to keep women in the dark?

It's obvious. Acknowledging the truth would mean admitting that each abortion kills a precious, unique human life.

Today, I'm mourning the more than 62 MILLION lives that weren't protected, that weren't allowed to be lived.

"Even the smallest person can change the course of history."

-– J.R.R. Tolkien

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