Sunday, January 24, 2021

Tacoma Police Officer Runs Over Pedestrian

From KIRO: Pedestrian run over by Tacoma officer surrounded by crowd; incident caught on camera
A Tacoma police officer whose SUV was surrounded by a crowd was seen on camera running over a pedestrian Saturday night.

...Afterward, an angry group of protesters gathered near where the accident happened.

Tacoma police said dispatchers started receiving calls about 6:20 p.m. about cars and people blocking the intersection of South Ninth and Pacific Avenue. Vehicles were reported to have been doing burnouts and doughnuts.

When police arrived at the scene, a crowd of about 100 people had gathered.

Officers began clearing the intersection.

A Tacoma police officer who arrived in an SUV with its lights and sirens on soon found himself surrounded by people who were banging on the stopped vehicle and its windows in a threatening way.

Tacoma police said that fearing for his safety, the officer tried to back up but was unable to because of the crowd. While trying to leave the unsafe situation, the officer drove forward and hit one person and possibly others, police said.

Tacoma police Officer Wendy Haddow said she believed a man fell under the SUV as it moved forward and was run over.

When the officer got to a safe location, he called for medics. The man was taken to a hospital. Police had originally said the pedestrian had minor injuries but have since said his condition is not known.

I miss law and order.

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