Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Asian Woman Attacked By Black Guy

This is a horrific attack on an innocent woman walking down the street on her way to church.

We must view everything through the lens of race, so we need to examine why Black people are brutalizing Asian people.

From WABC:
The urgent search continues for the man behind another brutal attack on an Asian American, after video showed him punching and kicking the 65-year-old woman on her way to church.

It happened just before noon Monday in front of 360 West 43rd Street in Midtown, and police are hoping to identify the assailant in the unprovoked and vicious assault.

Authorities say the victim was kicked and fell to the ground as the suspect made anti-Asian statements toward her. He then repeatedly struck her while she was on the ground, saying "(Expletive) you. You don't belong here."

...The victim was taken to the hospital, suffering a fractured pelvis and contusion to the head.
This criminal broke the woman's pelvis in this vicious attack. Security at the store did nothing to come to the woman's aid. They closed the door.

Obviously, the Black thug who attacked the Asian woman is a White supremacist, and so is the Black security guard who closed the door.

Those teenage girls in DC who carjacked and murdered Mohammad Anwar are White supremacists, too.

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