Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Biden: 'Cannot Risk More Desks'

Biden can't read a teleprompter.

Even the White House transcript of his remarks reflects Biden's cognitive issues.
BIDEN: And with the supply we’re releasing this week — just this week alone — there are more doors [sic] — there are more doses of vaccine available for seniors this week than any week thus far. So, seniors, please, if you have not gotten your shot yet, get it this week. Get it.

Second, I’m reiterating my call for every governor, mayor, and local leader to maintain and reinstate the mask mandate. Please, this is not politics. Reinstate the mandate if you let it down. And business should require masks as well. The failure to take this virus seriously — precisely what got us in this mess in the first place — risks more cases and more dests [sic] — deaths.

Look, as I do my part to accelerate the vaccine distribution and vaccinations, I need the American people to do their part as well. Mask up. Mask up. It’s a patriotic duty. It’s the only way we ever get back to normal — to cheer together in stadiums full of fans; to gather together on holidays again safely; go to graduations, weddings.
Biden says "doors" instead of doses. He says "desks" instead of deaths. He also pronounces "reiterating" incorrectly, slurring "riterating." Biden skips words as well.

Compare the video to the transcript. While the transcript does indicate some of Biden's most obvious mistakes, it generously glosses over all the slurring and sloppiness.

Biden can't read coherently. The words are literally in front of his face and he still can't make sense.

I won't pretend that Biden is the acting president.

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