Thursday, March 11, 2021

Glenn Grothman, Stacey Plaskett, and Black Lives Matter

U.S. Virgin Islands Congressional non-voting delegate Stacey Plaskett accused Rep. Glenn Grothman of being racist because he told the truth about Black Lives Matter, an unapologetically Marxist organization.

From MSN:
In speaking against President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan, Wisconsin GOP Rep. Glenn Grothman argued on the House floor Wednesday that the expansion to earned income tax credit for single workers would penalize married individuals.

"I bring it up, because I know the strength that Black Lives Matter had in this last election. I know it's a group that doesn't like the old-fashioned family," said Grothman, who is White. "I'm disturbed that we have another program here in which we're increasing the marriage penalty."

Plaskett, a non-voting delegate who represents the Virgin Islands, who rose to speak in favor of Biden's Covid bill, instead spoke out strongly against Grothman's accusations.

"How dare you, how dare you say that Black Lives Matter, Black people, do not understand old-fashioned families?" Plaskett said. "Despite some of the issues, some of the things that you have put forward that I've heard out of your mouth in the Oversight Committee, in your own district, we have been able to keep our families alive for over 400 years, and the assault on our families to not have Black lives or not even have Black families."

"How dare you say that we are not interested in families in the Black community? That is outrageous, that should be stricken down, she added.

...Plaskett told CNN's Erin Burnett later Wednesday that "if you make racist statements and continue to say them, then that's probably what you are as well."
Black Lives Matter is against the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure."

Grothman is speaking out against this radical neo-Marxist organization and defending American families.

Dan O'Donnell writes:
At no point during Grothman's speech did he say "we are not interested in families in the black community" or that "black people do not understand old-fashioned families." He referred only to the now-deleted phrase on the Black Lives Matter website.

On Thursday night, Plaskett claimed to MSNBC host Joy Reid that Grothman has used racist phrases such as "welfare mamas" during committee meetings and that one needed only to "look up Glenn Grothman" to find evidence of this. A Google search for "Glennn Grothman" "welfare mamas" produced no results save for a transcript of Reid's show in which Plaskett made the allegation.

"She's lying," Grothman said Thursday. "It's not a phrase I use. She's making it up. This is why so few people trust the mainstream media. It's unfortunate that they would give her a platform and not do any follow-up themselves as to whether she's telling the truth or just making something up. I think [Reid] surprised her with the question and Stacey didn't have anything to say so she made something up. That's what I think."
Plaskett, Joy Reid, and MSNBC should apologize for disparaging Glenn Grothman.

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