Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Matt Gaetz on Tucker Carlson - David McGee

This is a very strange story.

Gaetz actually named David McGee as the individual he says tried to extort millions of dollars from his family. He called for the FBI to release the tapes from when his father wore a wire in the investigation.

A lot of bizarre stuff was packed into a relatively short segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

We do know the FBI can't be trusted. We know the FBI was involved in a coup attempt on Donald Trump.

Why believe the New York Times?

Remember that Steele Dossier thing?

I don't trust the Democrat/Leftist media. I don't trust the FBI.

It's very odd that the New York Times would run the story just before money was going to change hands, blowing up the investigation.

We'll see if this is just another disgraceful lie peddled by the Democrat Cabal or if Gaetz did something illegal.

It will take a while to unravel.

In the meantime, keep your eye on Biden's border crisis and Biden's multi-trillion dollar "infrastructure" plan. Don't let the Gaetz story distract you.

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