Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Rochelle Walensky: The End Is Near!

From the Babylon Bee:
In what many are calling a concerning sign, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky gave a calm, rational, science-driven pandemic update yesterday, all while holding a sign reading "The End Is Near."

...Dr. Walensky then pulled out several scientific tools to support her hypothesis of impending doom, from tea leaves and a crystal ball to a deck of tarot cards. She drew the top card of the deck: "IT'S DEATH!" she cried. "THE CARDS HAVE SPOKEN! WE CANNOT RUN FROM OUR FATE!"


The CDC Director then lit her hair on fire and ran outside and threw herself off a cliff. The media quickly praised her and the Biden administration for their calm, reassuring demeanor.
Nothing says science and instills confidence like a CDC director babbling about FEELINGS of "impending doom."

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