Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Americans Support Photo Voter ID

Overwhelmingly, Americans support a photo ID requirement to vote.

It's encouraging to know that by far most Americans want to assure election integrity. From CNSNews:
Three-fourths (75%) of all U.S. voters said that requiring a photo I.D. to vote is a necessity, while 19% disagreed and 6% were “not sure.”

What’s more, three times as many Black voters support (73%) as oppose (24%) requiring a photo I.D. and, for other Non-White voters, support (81%) is more than six times greater than opposition (13%). Among White voters, the requirement is favored 74%-19%, with the remainder “not sure.”
This blows the Democrat/Leftist narrative that a photo ID requirement to vote is racist out of the water.

Turns out, Americans of all races are against cheating and value election integrity.

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