Thursday, April 22, 2021

LeBron James Deletes Tweet

Sounds like a threat from a thug. That tweet seems like an effort to rally a lynch mob. I'm so damn tired of seeing Leftist celebrities and Democrat media hacks lie about the police and this country. James' tweet wasn't "being used to create more hate." His tweet is hateful. James' words are hateful. His explanation for deleting the tweet is hateful.

There is accountability. I'm sure Derek Chauvin understands that and other officers living with the consequences of their actions while on duty.

It's idiotic for James to say there's a problem with the entire system. That system worked to save lives in this case and so many others every day across the country.

James posts an incendiary, irresponsible, threatening tweet certain to incite violence. Then he claims "they always use our words to create more racism." That is total crap.

Those engaged in promoting false narratives about the police and the people of our country are the problem. They are working nonstop to divide us. THEY need to be held accountable.

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