Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Rashida Tlaib Calls Police 'Inherently and Intentionally Racist'

The House should take disciplinary action against Rashida Tlaib for her incendiary comments.

Policing in our country is not "inherently and intentionally racist." She paints all the brave men and women who serve as officers as engaging in racist activities. That is unforgivable. Following Tlaib's demands would mean law and order in the country would completely dissolve.

No more Capitol police officers to protect her. No more National Guard to keep her safe.
Tlaib is dangerous. She's declaring war on Americans, promoting chaos and lawlessness.

She doesn't respect the men and women who put themselves in danger to protect us.

As Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans lies in honor today in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, will Tlaib smear him?

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