Friday, April 2, 2021

Smugglers Drop Ecuadorian Sisters From 14 Ft. Border Wall in Desert

This is madness. It's chaos.

Biden created this humanitarian crisis at the border. He and the Democrats are willing to exploit these little children, allowing criminals to abuse them, injure and harm them. They want to solidify their power so desperately that they're willing to pretend there's no crisis. Biden and his fellow radical Leftists don't care about all of these suffering little ones. If they did, they would end this misery now and return to President Trump's effective policies.

When asked about the treatment of the two little girls, Jen Psaki babbled about root causes, meaning the Biden-Harris regime has no intention of taking steps to end this sickening victimization of children.

Criminals know Biden is acting as their partner, giving them free rein to do whatever they want.

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